Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay on gospel essentials - 1467 Words

Jillian Sanders Christian Worldview February 15, 2015 Dr. Hector Llanes Gospel Essentials When you look around and gaze at the beautiful creation before you, do you reflect on how amazing God is? God made the creation, man, and everything surrounding the two. There are many different worldviews. This paper will focus on the Christian worldview. The Christian worldview involves God, humanity, Jesus, and restoration. The Christian Worldview God Can God truly be defined? Yes and no! It is important to know the facts about God which one can get from studying the Bible. Secondly, it is important to fellowship with God to get to know Him on a personal and intimate level. There are so many characteristics of God as He was and is perfect in all†¦show more content†¦Things change when the serpent appeared to Eve and talked her into eating from the exact tree that God commanded them to eat from. Genesis 3:6 says, â€Å"So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate† (NIV). This is where the root of all human problems began. This is why all humans are born as sinners. Jesus Hebrews 1:2-3 says, â€Å"But in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven† (NIV). In an article in The Christian Crier, author Jack Wellman gives a great description of Jesus. God became a Man and that Man was in Jesus Christ Who was both God and Man. He lived in all splendor, glory, and majesty while in heaven but condescended to be born in a lowly stable in the most humble of beginnings. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and was murdered even though He was completely innocent. He willingly gave His life soShow MoreRelatedGospel Essentials1760 Words   |  8 PagesChristian World View: Gospel Essentials Our worldview allows us to see into the world at such an angle that it coincides with our beliefs, therefore affecting how we think and live. Whether one falls under an atheistic, pantheistic, or theistic worldview, they are guided in their life choices depending on the beliefs of their worldview. Throughout this paper, I will summarize the elements of a Christian Worldview such as God, Humanity, Jesus, and Restoration; I will then analyze questionsRead MoreNotes On The Gospel Essentials971 Words   |  4 PagesBenchmark-Gospel Essentials A worldview is made from a set of assumptions created by an individual or a group of people forming a belief system that guides them in how they perceive reality to be in this world. Belief systems are often created by those before us which; are then instilled into future generations. In today’s world there are many different types of belief systems being taught, however; â€Å"there are three basic worldviews that most belief systems fall into which are; Atheism, PantheismRead MoreA Reflection On Gospel Essentials1891 Words   |  8 PagesGospel Essentials We will never be good enough, wise enough, or flawless. Humankind will always live in sin because we are powerless by our own devices. If there is any question about this point, simply watch an evening news program and look at what happens all across the world on a daily basis. That is the shocking news. The good news is there is a solution; faith in God through Christ offering forgiveness of our sins and for our salvation. The consequences we have on earth are directly relatedRead MoreThe Gospel Essentials : The Christian Religion Essay1688 Words   |  7 PagesThe Gospel Essentials The Christian religion finds its foundation on the Word of God and the work of Jesus Christ. Christianity finds its beginnings with Jesus Christ about 2,000 years ago. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down to earth to teach, heal, and die for the sins of humanity. When God created man, he openly rebelled against God, causing a rift in their relationship. Since humans cannot save themselves, a perfect and completely innocent sacrifice was necessary in order to purify and restoreRead MoreBenchmark Assignment : Gospel Essentials1286 Words   |  6 PagesBenchmark Assignment: Gospel Essentials There are three basic world views recognized. A world view is A set of assumptions or beliefs about reality that affect how we think and how we live† (Krise 2017) it can also be described as The comprehensive perspective from which we interpret all of reality(Krise 2017). Simply put it is our beliefs and views about the world, god or no god, and the afterlife. The three world views are Atheism, Pantheism, and Theism. Atheists believe there is no higher powerRead MoreBenchmark Assignment : Gospel Essentials Essay1386 Words   |  6 PagesBenchmark Assignment: Gospel Essentials There are a variety of differing worldviews in practice today. Every person has a worldview that is shaped by their experiences, pasts, families, traditions, values, and beliefs that form the core of who they are. The Christian worldview is no exception. This worldview is formed by the beliefs and teachings of the Bible. The worldview is shaped and centered around the view of who God is, the purpose of humanity, the true identity of Jesus, the restoration ofRead MoreThe On Gospel Essentials Of The United States1489 Words   |  6 PagesGospel Essentials One of the fundamental rights in the U.S. constitution is guaranteed to all citizens in the first amendment. We have the right to practice any religion of our choosing, including the practice of no religion at all. The framers of the constitution even put the freedom of religion before our rights to free speech and free press (Haiman). This constitutional right allows America’s blend of naturalists, pantheists, theists, and spiritualists to practice their beliefs without interferenceRead MoreThe Gospel Essentials : The Christian Religion Essay1711 Words   |  7 PagesThe Gospel Essentials The Christian religion finds its foundation on the Word of God and the work of Jesus Christ. Christianity finds its beginnings with Jesus Christ about 2,000 years ago, when he, the Son of God, came down to earth to teach, heal, and die for the sins of humanity. After God created man, man openly rebelled against Him, causing a rift in their relationship. Since humans cannot save themselves, a perfect and completely innocent sacrifice was necessary in order to purify and restoreRead MoreBenchmark Assignment : Gospel Essentials Essay1405 Words   |  6 PagesBenchmark Assignment: Gospel Essentials There a lot of differing worldviews in practice today. Every person has a worldview that is shaped by their experiences, pasts, families, traditions, values, and beliefs that form the core of who they are. The Christian worldview is no exception. This worldview is formed by the beliefs and teachings of the Bible. The worldview is shaped and centered around the view of who God is, the purpose of humanity, the true identity of Jesus, the restoration of humansRead MoreI Delve Into The Gospel Essentials2033 Words   |  9 Pagesimpressive number of people who believe that they are Christian, but what is a Christian? How does one become a Christian, and what are the core beliefs within the world view? These are the questions I aim to answer in this essay, as I delve into the gospel essentials. God According to the Christian worldview, there is one true God who is our all-powerful creator. The one true God, however, has three parts in one, call the Trinity. Although the word Trinity is not in the bible, theologians developed the

Monday, December 23, 2019

Evaluating The New Process For Managing Priorities At...

Q1) During the 10 years from 1992 through 2002, VWoA considered IT as a source of overhead and prioritized more on marketing and selling activities by allocating all the available funds. According to Matulovic, the major issues at VWoA were not related to IT but rather to the ambiguity that surrounded governance and development process. Assessment of the new process for managing priorities at Volkswagen of America? Significantly, he empowered PMO (program management Office) that focuses on proper planning prior to execution phase in order to generate on-schedule and on-budget projects. Hence, Matulovic satisfied that projects are working in a right manner. In order to choose the right projects to fund, the new process was implemented which is very organized, more structured and select projects based on the business requirements/scope. Several Organizational entities played a role in creating and managing a new process for managing priorities at VWoA. The focus of new process have been on aligning IT projects with Organizational goals i.e., each of the top three projects of business units should map to one of the major enterprise goals. Since the budget is limited ($60 million capped by VWAG), the funds are allocated to the projects which are highly prioritized by their business units. Business architecture played an important role in formalizing governance and prioritization process as it provi ded means of categorizing organization activities including IT projects andShow MoreRelatedHarvard Business Review Article - Volkswagen Case Analysis Essay2400 Words   |  10 Pages1) What is your assessment of the new process for managing priorities at Volkswagen of America? Are the criticisms justified? Is it an improvement over the old process? The new process that was instituted to prioritize IT projects at Volkswagen of America is very well organized. It takes an IT project and looks at it from multiple aspects, from business to IT. It also allows for several departmental entities to play a more active role in tying in business objectives with stated benefits of the ITRead MoreVolkswagen of America: Managing IT Priorities2036 Words   |  8 PagesVolkswagen of America: Managing IT Priorities 1) How should Matulovic respond to his fellow executives who are calling to ask him for special treatment outside the new priority management system? As the new CIO of Volkswagen of America (VWoA), Dr. Uwe Matulovic brings an impressive resume that includes ample experience in aligning business process management (BPM), business process re-engineering (BPR) and the insights necessary to create the Business Process Technology Organization (BPTO)Read MoreManaging the International Value Chain in the Automotive Industry60457 Words   |  242 PagesManaging the International Value Chain in the Automotive Industry Strategy, Structure, and Culture Stefan Schmid, Philipp Grosche Table of contents Foreword Authors Acknowledgments International value chains: Current trends and future needs, as exemplified by the automotive industry 1. Internationalizationofthevaluechainintheautomotiveindustry 2. Configurationandcoordinationascrucialdimensionsinshapinginternational  valuechains 3. BestpracticesandoptionsformanagingtheinternationalvaluechainRead MoreInnovation Management in the Automotive Design Manufacturing Industry13590 Words   |  55 Pagesamount of competition how do car manufacturers attract our attention. Unique designs, impressive technology, price and customer service are all the areas consumers look for in a car, to meet these demands car manufactures need to constantly come up with new ideas to stay ahead of other competitors, introducing creative ideas which are better than what was in use previously is innovation. Innovation can also be implemented internally as it can help manufacturers be more efficient and reduce costs before Read MoreMarketing Strategy of Ford Motors18943 Words   |  76 PagesThe first one is to gain knowledge and understanding the different marketing activities developed and implemented by Ford Motors. 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It does not cover the individual selections herein thatRead MoreResources Capabilities20336 Words   |  82 Pages THE TOOLS OF STRATEGY ANALYSIS Step 2 Appraising Resources and Capabilities Step 3 Developing Strategy Implications l Developing Resources and Capabilities The Relationship between Resources and Capabilities Replicating Capabilities Developing New Capabilities Approaches to Capability Development l Summary l Self-Study Questions l Appendix: Knowledge Management and the Knowledge-based View of the Firm l Notes Introduction and Objectives In Chapter 1, I noted that the focus of strategy

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Practitioner Free Essays

Counseling as describe by Reform (2010) is a proactive, holistically oriented process for helping persons learn to cope with problems of living and for promoting healthy development. It is an interpersonal process Involving a professional with the requisite graduate education and experience In counseling (the counselor), using scientifically validated methods, working with an Individual, family, group, organizations or segment of a community that Is seeking assistance (the client). Reform (2010) describe Psychotherapy as an assumed a medical model, meaning the arson receiving help was sick. We will write a custom essay sample on Practitioner or any similar topic only for you Order Now The goal of psychotherapy was to alleviate the sickness, with therapist as expert using Information about the clients past to provide Insight Into thoughts previously kept out of awareness. A good understanding of counseling and psychotherapy will contribute to my development as a scholar-practitioner. Walden offers courses that help their students to understand what counseling is about, the diversity of ways we can help clients and how to become a prepare counselor. Walden have the tools to help students to become good counselors and enable them to understand and use the psychotherapy theories as a guide in our Journey as scholar-practitioners; this will help me to help the people in my community. I believe that a good understanding of what is counseling and how to use the psychotherapy is going to help me to become agent of positive social change. I’m interested in a few fields of counseling, but at this moment the one that have my attention is mental disorders. I believe that a mental disorder is an increasing illness in our communities; this is the area that I will like to focus on. I will like to help people with mental illnesses to become a successful part of our society. Reference Reform, B. T. 2010). Orientation to the Counseling Profession: Advocacy, Ethics, and Essential Professional Foundations. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Practitioner By gamekeeper development. It is an interpersonal process involving a professional with the requisite graduate education and experience in counseling (the counselor), using scientifically validated methods, working with an individual, family, group, organizations or segment of a community that is seeking assistance (the client). Sickness, with therapist as expert using information about the client’s past to provide insight into thoughts previously kept out of awareness. How to cite Practitioner, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Hamburger Hill Film Review free essay sample

A review of John Irvins movie about Vietnam, Hamburger Hill. This paper is a historical film review of the John Irvin movie, Hamburger Hill. It examines the movie for content, historical accuracy and context. John Irvins film, Hamburger Hill, details the events of the battle in the A Shau Valley to gain control of Dong Ap Bia (a small mountain) during the Vietnam War. It was a ten-day battle, fought up hill, from May 10, 1969 though May 20. Most of the film takes place on Dong Ap Bia (Hill 937), nicknamed Hamburger Hill by the soldiers who fought there because of the high amount of casualties. The casualty rate of this battle was 70%, (Larson 1). It consisted of several battalions attacking and retreating for ten days up the hill. Scenes in the movie that show the men scrambling up and sliding down the hill in rain and mud being bombarded by grenades and machine gun fire are horrifically graphic and, unfortunately, accurate, (Larson 1). We will write a custom essay sample on Hamburger Hill Film Review or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Friday, November 29, 2019

Richard Adams Writings Essays - British Films,

Richard Adams Writings Richard Adams was born in Newbury, England in May of 1920. He was the youngest of three children, a sister, Katherine, and a brother, John. (Richard had had another brother but he died at the age of three from influenza.) Richard was his father's favorite. George Adams (his dad), spent most of his time with young Richard teaching him about all the nature in the area. Richard grew up a few miles from the town of Newbury on a three acre piece of land with a house named "Oakdene." Richard's father was a doctor at the local hospital in Newbury and his mother, Lilian Rose Adams, was a nurse. Richard spent most of his childhood at home and out wandering around Newbury, enjoying its beauty. At about the age of 10, he was sent to the Horace Hill boarding school. After a few years, he was sent to another prep school, Bradfield, and at the age of 18, received a history scholarship to Oxford University. At the age of 21 he was enlisted in the British Army. Adams has produced a variety of different writings. Along with his numerous novels: Watership Down, Shardik, The Plague Dogs, The Girl in a Swing, Maia, and Traveller, Adams has also written books of short stories: The Iron Wolf and Other Stories, and The Unbroken Web. As well, he has done picture books in verse: The Tyger Voyage, and The Ship's Cat, and books on nature: Nature Through the Seasons, Nature Day and Night, and A Nature Diary. Adams' first novel, Watership Down, is about a group of rabbits who leave their home because of disaster, and go out in search of a new home. On the way, they encounter two other groups of rabbits. One group lives life with a constant knowledge that they are just food for the neighboring farmer, neglecting their own culture. The other group lives so as to never be found by man and to protect itself from predators. When, at last, a new home is found, the rabbits have to undertake a journey in order to find some females so that their colony will grow and prosper. Throughout the novel, Adams puts in various ideas and themes that are meant to make the reader think twice about their relationships with nature and themselves. This novel sets up the themes of freedom and survival, which are also found in two of his other novels, and the theme of the stupidity and cruelty of man to the earth and her creatures. The Plague Dogs, Adams' third novel, is about two dogs who escape from an animal research station and try to fend for themselves in the hills of England. Rowf, a large, black, strong mongrel who has a mean temper and who has a deathly fear of water due to the experiments performed on him. Snitter, a fox terrier who has fits and has the power to see the future because of the brain surgery performed on him in the research station. Together, they meet up with a tod (fox). The tod helps them survive while reporters follow the dogs and spread dangerous rumors of the plague, getting politics involved. The themes in this novel are similar to the ones in Watership Down: survival, freedom, and human cruelty, but added to this list is the theme of rights. In this case, the right of animals, but, in some of his other works the theme extends to those people who are less fortunate and are in awful situations. The Girl in a Swing, his fourth novel, talks about a young man, Alan Desland, who has devoted his life to the business of fine ceramics and who is completely swept off his feet by a young German woman, K?the. They get married, in Florida, after a very short courtship and return to England, where Alan returns to his business and K?the holds spellbound his friends, family, and even him, with her beauty and charm. Inside K?the, though, is a secret which Alan finds out about too late. The main theme in this novel is completely different from his other novels. Adams concentrates mostly on guilt - A guilt that K?the held inside her and eventually caused her destruction. He also explains how guilt affects those around the guilty. Adams' fifth novel, Maia, is a story about a young, beautiful girl who is thrown into slavery by her jealous mother. She makes friends with an exotic girl, Occula, who is sent on a mission from

Monday, November 25, 2019

Nucleotides essays

Nucleotides essays I. nucleotides: sub units  ³ DNA B. 5-carbon sugar molecule (deoxyribose) Chargaff  ³ base pairing rule: 1 = 3 and 2 = 4 II. Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Frankilin  ³ X-ray diffraction photos of DNA molecule - DNA molecules: tightly coiled helix and composed of two or three chains of nucleotides III. Chargaff builds a model of the double helix:  ¡a spiral staircase ¡ of 2 strands of nucleotides twisting around a central axis. A. alternating sugar and phosphate units B. purine and pyrimidines paired up - A can only form hydrogen bonds with T - C can only for  ¡  ¡ with G.  ³ 2 strands that are complementary to each other A. Replication: process of synthesizing a new strand of DNA. B. Helices: open up the double helix by breaking the hydrogen bonds that link the complementary bases. C. Two strands separated: additional enzymes and proteins attach to the individual strands and hold them apart  ³ twisting prevented D. Replication fork : where double helix separates 1. DNA polymerases: enzymes that move along each strand  ³ adding nucleotides to the exposed bases.  ³ one old and one new DNA strand - genes hold info specifying how to build particular proteins - affects the phenotype of an individual because of the activity of the protein that it specifies - DNA encoded info that specifies particular proteins; each gene is made of a specific sequence of nucleotides A. interruped by necleotides that have no coding info. 1. Introns:: noncoding sequences/ intervening 2. Exons :nucleotide segments that code for amino acids -stitched together once all introns are removed II. Multigene families: clusters of almost identical sequences; cells exist in mult ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How Typical Students Are Prepared For The real World Essay

How Typical Students Are Prepared For The real World - Essay Example A typical Cal Poly student prepares for the real world by acquiring planning and prioritization skills. Planning is a crucial component of human establishment that assists people to manage their time effectively and to lay the foundation for carrying out certain activities. Planning empowers a student by ensuring that they set goals and objectives crucial to their well-being. Through planning, a Cal Poly student can plan for meetings, events, start a business as well as drawing out budgets for certain activities. Prioritization is a skill that helps the students focus and chose life ventures wisely. For example, a student can use prioritization skills to choose whether to further their education or venture into a career path. Planning and prioritization are vital components in my life. I have a cardinal rule in my life that states that 'planning brings success.' I have achieved several things due to proper planning setting my priorities appropriately. My parents have always approache d me to plan for family events. A typical Cal Poly student prepares for the outside world by dealing with the inherent limitations that can hinder their progress in the outside world. For example, there are students who cannot do simple mathematical calculations or engage technological equipment. If a student wishes to succeed in the outside world, there should be a special focus on the fields where knowledge is limited. Average students should seek help and put more effort in changing their inherent circumstances.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Will guests consider service quality as well while they are gambling Literature review

Will guests consider service quality as well while they are gambling in hotel's casino - Literature review Example The present study would focus upon the aspect of service quality in the casino industry. The study would be covered under two parts, in which the first would be an analysis of the existing literature with regard to improvements in service quality. The second part would include a primary study which would be targeted at different individuals associated with the industry to help gain firsthand market information about the topic of study. Finally, a set of plausible conclusions and recommendations would be framed so as to prepare a guiding template for the marketers to gain competitive advantage (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2010, p.4). Literature Review The Components of Service Quality A number of corporations think that enhanced long term sustainable profitability can be achieved through improved service quality and better customer satisfaction. This confidence is confirmed from a significant database on ‘profit impact of market share (PIMS)’, containing a substantial amount of data on large number of companies. Such evidences have made it prominent that enhanced service quality is considerably correlated with both enlarged market share and improved profitability ratios. During last few decades, the concept of quality management in service industry has seen to receive an increasing amount of attention from both the academia and the professional arenas (Lederer & Karmakar, 1997). The conformance of service quality relates to the acquiescence of the delivered service quality with the established specifications of any established service. This exemplifies that the conformance to the specifications is surely a significant component of total service... According to the research findings a number of corporations think that enhanced long term sustainable profitability can be achieved through improved service quality and better customer satisfaction. This confidence is confirmed from a significant database on ‘profit impact of market share (PIMS)’, containing a substantial amount of data on large number of companies. Such evidences have made it prominent that enhanced service quality is considerably correlated with both enlarged market share and improved profitability ratios. During last few decades, the concept of quality management in service industry has seen to receive an increasing amount of attention from both the academia and the professional arenas. The conformance of service quality relates to the acquiescence of the delivered service quality with the established specifications of any established service. This exemplifies that the conformance to the specifications is surely a significant component of total servic e quality. This is pretty significant unless the specific service specifications are inappropriate to the preferences of the customers. To capture more of the components leading to better compliance with the customers’ preferences, a number of organisations use the concept of performance quality. It refers to the intensity of customers’ satisfaction which can be achieved through the proper execution of the service specifications. Performance quality in any service industry can be segmented in two quality types including design and class quality.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Chinese photographer, Yang Fudong Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chinese photographer, Yang Fudong - Essay Example It is a cinematographic adaptation of the traditional Chinese stories. Yang is known for coming out with some of the most refreshing and impressive works in the contemporary Chinese cinema (Yu 35). Yang’s films and photos are well known for their psychological gravity and density (Yu 35). His films and photography tends to delve on the most fundamental philosophical questions marking the human existence in an intensely visual format (Yu 35). The hallmark of Yang’s art is that his photos and films aspire to blend the vivacity and verve of youthful ideas and feelings with the stark and sobering realities of life (Yu 35). In his works Yang makes stylistic references to and extends a nostalgic homage to varied salient periods and aspects of Chinese cinema (Yu 35). Yang’s photos extend symbolic answers to the questions pertaining to creativity and identity in the contemporary world. The strange thing is that Yang’s photos and films lack any discernible political

Saturday, November 16, 2019

An Analysis Of Nespressos Strategy

An Analysis Of Nespressos Strategy Since 1970, Nestlà © has been endeavoring to search for a brand-new method in order to meet the rapidly growing demands of the gourmet specialty coffee. After an effort of many years development and preparation, the Nespresso System was founded in 1986 along with a lot of patents. After that, Nespresso gradually grew to represent a unique coffee concept designed to enable anyone to create the perfect cup of espresso. The irreplaceable Nespresso â€Å"trilogy â€Å"unites the worlds highest quality Grand Crcoffees with smart and stylish machines and exclusive, personalized services. Table 1: Impressive continuous growth 2000 2009 2010 Turnover in CHF 210million 2.77billion 3.20billion Cups per minute 868 10,000 12,300 Coffee Systems MS%(Units) 6% 19.5% 20% Global Club Community 600,000 8million 10million Global Boutique Network 1 191 223 Nespresso Employees* 331 4,500 5,500 *70% in direct contact with Nespresso customers In 2010, Nespresso reached sales of more than CHF 3 billion with a growth above 20% compared to the year of 2009. 12,300 cups of coffee were consumed every minute. Additionally, Nespresso keeps doing well in generating its leading market share in coffee machines to about 20%. Moreover, the number of the Nespresso Club Members has been increased by over 20% to 10 million. In order to deliver and retain its exclusive personalized services, 1000 more employees were recruited by the company; more than 70% of the 5,500 staffs are facing the customers in direct contact. In 2010, Nespresso started a series of expansion, with 32 more new boutiques opened in Brussels, Miami, Shanghai and Sydney, from Europe to Asia; so far Nespresso has 223 boutiques in total all over the world. Consequently, 63% of the markets are occupied by the Europe, and the rest is divided into Americas and Asia. Winning Strategy Nespresso is becoming a global player and always wants to be outstanding of the competitors. In order to enhance their competitive advantages as well as building on their core competences, Nespresso has been working on the strategy for the past two decades. As a result, thanks to the creation and perseverance of the formula, the company is now as a pioneer and one of the fastest growing operating units of the Nestlà © Group. There are six crucial factors attributes to the success story of Nespresso, these include: Unsurpassed coffee quality and coffee specialists. The company has its own unique sourcing of finest coffee around the world. For many years, the Nespresso coffee experts have been exploring the world in search of the best coffees from the best producer countries, including Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil, Togo, Kenya and so forth. According to their findings, only the top one to two percent of the worlds green coffee crop meets the Nespressos high quality standards. At the same time, the company makes every effort to build long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with the local farmers who produce these precious beans. Table 2: Nespresso Quality+ Aroma Profile Unstoppable drive for innovation distinctive design Nestlà © is always in pursuit of the perfect products with the creative ideas. From the perfectly portioned Grand Crcoffee, the advanced coffee machine to the creation of the Nespresso Club, the company is obsessed about innovative and distinctive minds, compulsive about the fine details and passionate about the combination of high technology and avant-garde design. To date, the brand owns more than 1,700 patents. Passionate global brand community with direct consumer relations Nespresso is expanding their network over the globe. Currently, according to the companys annual report, the statistic shows that more than fifty percent of all new Nespresso Club Members first experience the brand through existing members. Update to the year of 2010, the total number of Nespresso Club Members worldwide has increased sharply from 600,000 in 2001 to more than 10 million, with an incredible amount of 2 million new members added in 2009 alone. Inspiration, iconic global brand The involvement of George Clooney makes Nespresso become the most charming and attractive coffee brand overnight. The slogan can be seen everywhere: Nespresso, what else? It seems that, for true coffee lovers, perfect coffee is not just an indulgence, it is a lifestyle. That is the main idea Nespresso trying to convey to their loyal clients. As a result, Nespresso has become the first global roast and ground coffee brand, moreover, since 2008 it is among the top 20 risers in brand value ranking. Exclusive route-to-market Table 3: Nespressos Sales in% by channel Internet 50% Customers Relation Centre 20% Boutique 30% Nespresso has the biggest shop window: www.nespresso.com. It is recorded that everyday seven millions visits in 2009 with an average time spent of 6 minutes. Consumers can purchase coffee, machines and accessories through the internet without any difficulties in terms of payment or customer service. In addition, the existing 223 boutiques are now possible for all the fans to go and enjoy the perfect espresso. Holistic approach to Sustainable QualityTM development The remarkable â€Å"Creating Shared Value† is the the Nestle Group key principle and obviously Nespresso is a loyal supporter. To further development, Nespresso carries out the strategy of Ecolaboration. The Nespresso EcolaborationTM aims to improve the sustainability performance of the Nespresso value chain. Under this circumstance, Nespresso brings their partners, stakeholders and also the coffee producers (local farmers) together to achieve a goal of the perfect fusion of: highest quality beans, economic viability, and respect the environment. There are three commitments the Nespresso is trying to achieve by the year of 2013: Source 80% of the coffee from Nespresso AAA Sustainable QualityTM Program certified by Rainforest Alliance (achieved 60% in 2010 already) Triple the ability to recycle the used capsules to 75% (achieved 60% in 2010 already) Reduce the CO2 footprint per cup by 20% (between 2009 and 2013) Conclusion Looking to the future, there are still many growing issues waiting for Nespresso to face with. For the moment, the strategy leader team needs to concern about five key issues: How to attract new customers (â€Å"away-from-home† V.S home consumption); Whether to introduce lower-cost system, compare to the current competitors; How to wider the market and then serve; Whether to invest in non-coffee market, diversify the products; How to gain an advantage over a competitor.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Slavery In The United States Essays -- Slavery Essays

Throughout this course we learned about slavery and it's effects on our country and on African Americans. Slavery and racism is prevalent throughout the Americas before during and after Thomas Jefferson's presidency. Some people say that Jefferson did not really help stop any of the slavery in the United States. I feel very differently and I will explain why throughout this essay. Throughout this essay I will be explaining how views of race were changed in the United States after the presidency of Thomas Jefferson, and how the events of the Jeffersonian Era set the stage for race relations for the nineteenth century. "Nobody wishes more ardently to see an abolition, not only of the trade, but of the condition of slavery; and certainly, nobody will be more willing to encounter every sacrifice for that object." (Thomas Jefferson to Brissot de Warville, 1788. ME 6:428) Thomas Jefferson said this to Brissot de Warville in 1788 explaining his view on slavery in the United States. This was both positive and negative for Thomas Jefferson, in many ways. He was very positive in the abolition of slavery in the United States because Jefferson says he would do anything to stop slavery, and the slave trade in the States. Thomas Jefferson had a theory that the United States could use part of the coast of Africa, and it would be used as an establishment where African American who were in the states would be moved. Jefferson sees this as the best way to deal with the slavery issue. Jefferson thinks this is a good idea because when the African Americans got back to Africa they would take the things they learned w ile they were enslaved here and us them back in Africa. Thomas Jefferson saw this as retribution to the African Americans for all that t... ...nows that slavery would have ripped our great country into two sides, one for slavery and one against slavery. He knew that our county would not have survived it we had slavery in it and through his speech he shows it. Throughout this essay I explained the movie Amistad and how race relations were seen throughout the movie. This movie really helps people see how horrible it was for African Americans back in 1839-1842. The movie showed the bias that this country had against people from Africa and how horrible our country treated slaves. Through John Quince Adams speech it stated how the problem was going to be fixed, and that was through a civil war. Citations http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118607/ http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/modules/jeffersonian_era/index.cfm http://etext.virginia.edu/jefferson/quotations/jeff1290.htm http://www.american.edu/TED/slave.htm

Monday, November 11, 2019

Awareness on the Effects of Malnutrition

The primary purpose of making the children conscious about nutrition is to provide conditions for and to promote the continuous growth of the individual in all areas of living, with a view of achieving and maintaining the democratic way of life. There must be a relationship between food and the health of the individual, which tends to influence the health of the society in which he lives in. It has been said that nutrition is a science concerned with the movements of atoms in man to the movements of man in society. Because of the tremendous population explosion the supply of food for all people of the world is indeed becoming more critical every year. As a nutrition educator, we have that moral obligation to help the nutrition of every individual; for improved nutrition is one factor involved in paving the way towards peace among men. The nutritional status of our communities is a reflection of our individual nutritional health. Perhaps the most significant factor affecting the nutritional status of communities is economics. Having sufficient funds to purchase adequate food supplies is a necessity. Malnutrition is one of the major problems that our country is facing. This problem can’t be set aside. This won’t choose any victim. It may affect adults but mostly, it affects the youth. Through this thesis, the writer may acquire knowledge about the problem, its effects to mankind and some of the factors that will lead to such a problem. Being a practitioner to be, I cannot afford to see mankind suffering from malnutrition because of lack of knowledge about proper nutrition and the lack of resources especially the youth. Because for me, I consider the children as the hope of our country. How can there be hope if they are destroyed by ignorance about proper nutrition resulting to malnutrition? Therefore, I choose this topic for my research because I want to know the condition of those children; on how conscious they are regarding proper nutrition on their selves to possibly eliminate malnutrition. I want to share my little knowledge about proper nutrition to the children and how to improve their health status by educating them through discussions. Because hrough this, I can be aware of the health status of the children in the area. This research will also serve as an awakening bomb to the government and health officials and that should not be rejected. In our country, Malnutrition is a major problem. But according to the latest National Nutrition Surveys, there has been a general improvement between 2003-2008 in the country’s overall nutrition situation, affecting various population groups, as evidenced specifically by reductions in underweight and stunting among 0-5 and 6-10 years old children. Most of the Filipinos nowadays are3 aware of their health but only a few are applying proper nutrition on the daily living. Theoretical Background of the Study Malnutrition is a state that adversely affects growth and development of body functions as a result of either an inadequate or overabundant supply of kilocalories or nutrients to the body tissue. According to Walter Falcon, head of the Food Research Institute of Stanford University(1984:577), â€Å" It might focus more attention on Africa where the most serious hunger exists rather than on southeast Asia. But if only 100 million individuals are clinically malnourished; there probably another 200 million to 400 million that go hungry part of the time. If they’re not in the hospital, they’re not doing too well† According to Mary Alice Caliendo(1984:526)† Malnutrition and nutritional deprivation are basically problems of poverty of unequal and inequitable income distribution not only among individuals but among countries. Malnutrition won’t disappear by simply producing more food or by raising the overall economic levels of poor nations. According to Eleanor R. Williams(1984:513) â€Å"Human brains do not live by bread alone† Malnutrition causes children to become listless and pathetic. According to Thomas Polemar, an agricultural economist(1984:515) â€Å"The number of people estimated to be suffering from malnutrition ranges from 400 million to two thirds of the world population†. In his view, food production in developing countries tends to be understand because taxation is often based on production and because so much backyard production is locally consumed and never counted. On the other hand, other authorities insist that much hunger especially in remote rural areas is inadequately reported. Larry Minear of the Interreligious Task Force on United States Policy told an interviewer recently that, â€Å"Malnutrition is understated because there a lot of people who don’t show up in the planning nets either because the census are bad or because they are not in the market economy and their inability to purchase food isn’t measured. If enough food is to be produced to feed the world, a number of resources such as land, water, energy, fertilizer and technology must be available and widely used. According to Margaret Newman,(www. googlesearch. com), â€Å"the theory of health as expanding consciousness was stimulated by concern for those for whom health as the absence of disease or disability is not possible†. The theory has progressed to include the health of all persons regardless of their health status. The theory asserts that every person in every situation, no matter show disordered and hopeless it may seem, is part of the universal process of expanding consciousness. A process of becoming more oneself, finds greater meaning in life, and of reaching new dimensions of connectedness with other people and world. The theory of health as expanding consciousness stems from Roger’s theory of unitary human beings. Rogers’ assumptions regarding patterning of persons in interaction with the environment are basic to the view that consciousness is a manifestation of an evolving pattern of person to environment interaction. Consciousness is defined as the informational capacity of the system(in this case, the human being); that is, the ability of the system to interact with the environment. Consciousness includes not only the cognitive and affective awarenessnormannly associated with consciousness, but also the interconnectedness of the entire living system, which includes physiochemical maintenance and growth processes as well as the immune system. This patter of information, which is the consciousness of the system, ios part of a larger undivided pattern of an expanding universe. , Rogers’ insistence that health and illness are simply manifestations of the rhythmic fluctuations of the life process is the foundation for viewing health and illness as a unitary process moving through variations in order – disorder. ’ According to Joyce Fitzpatrick,(www. googlesearch. com) â€Å"The primary purpose of nursing is the promotions and maintenance of an optimal level of wellness†. the professional nurse participates in a multi-disciplinary approach to health in assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating programs in regards to how they affect optimum wellness. When assessing health care needs the professional nurse incorporates the physical, psychological, emotional, social, environmental and spiritual aspects of the profession into her daily routine. Person-the tem integrates the concepts of both self and others and recognizes individuals as having unique biological, psychological, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual attitudes. They thrive on honor and dignity, self-evaluation and growth and development. Throughout a person’s life, many factors develop within a social setting and interact with a multitude of environments that can significantly influence that person’s health bad wellness. Health – is a dynamic state of being that results from the interaction of person and the environment. Optimum health is the actualization of both innate and obtained human potential gleaned from rewarding relationships with other, goal directed behaviors and expertise. Wellness-Illness- is rooted in the promotion of wellness practices, the attentive treatment of those who are acutely or chronically ill or dying, and restorative care or people during convalescence. Metaparadigm – derived from and related to the basic metaparadigm concepts of person, environment, health and nursing. while much of the research in nursing has been focused on assisting individuals in their life transitions, whether through phases of growth and development, or experiences with health and illness, the conceptualizations of the nursing profession as focused on transitions has not been adequately researched.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Highest Cities in the World

Highest Cities in the World It has been estimated that about 400 million people live at elevations above 4900 feet (1500 meters) and that 140 million people live at elevations above 8200 feet (2500 meters). Physical Adaptations to Live That High At these high altitudes, the human body must adapt to the decreased levels of oxygen. Native populations living at the highest altitudes in the Himalaya and Andes mountain ranges tend to have larger lung capacity than lowlanders. There are physiological adaptations from birth that higher elevation cultures experience that tends to lead to longer, healthier lives. Some of the worlds oldest people live at high altitudes and scientists have determined that high-altitude life results in better cardiovascular health and a lower incidence of stroke and cancers. Interestingly, a 12,400 year-old settlement in the Andes was discovered  at an elevation of 14,700 feet (4500 meters), demonstrating that humans settled at high elevations within about 2000 years of arriving on the South American continent. Scientists will certainly continue to study the impacts of high elevations on the human body and how humans have adapted to elevation extremes on our planet. The World's Highest City The highest, most notable true city is the mining town of La Rinconada, Peru. The community sits high in the Andes at an elevation of 16,700 feet (5100 meters) above sea level and is home to a gold rush population of somewhere around 30,000 to 50,000 people. The elevation of La Rinconada is higher than the highest peak  in the lower 48 states of the United States (Mt. Whitney). National Geographic published an article in 2009 about La Rinconada and the challenges of life at such a high elevation and in such squalor.   The World's Highest Capital and Large Urban Area La Paz is the capital of Bolivia and sits at a very high elevation - about 11,975 feet (3650 meters) above sea level. La Paz is the highest capital city on the planet, beating Quito, Ecuador for the honor by 2000 feet (800 meters). The greater La Paz metropolitan area is home to more than 2.3 million people who live at a very high altitude. To the west of La Paz is the city of El Alto (the heights in Spanish), which is truly the worlds highest large city.  El Alto is home to about 1.2 million people and is the home of the El Alto International Airport, which serves the greater La Paz metropolitan area.   Five Highest Settlements on Earth Wikipedia provides a  listing  of what are believed to be the five highest settlements on the planet... 1. La Rinconada, Peru - 16,700 feet (5100 meters) - gold rush town in the Andes 2.  Wenquan, Tibet, China - 15,980 feet (4870 meters) - a very small settlement on a mountain pass in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.   3. Lungring, Tibet, China - 15,535 feet (4735 meters) - a hamlet among pastoral plains and rugged terrain 4.  Yanshiping, Tibet, China - 15,490 feet (4720 meters) - a very small town 5. Amdo, Tibet, China - 15,450 feet (4710 meters) - another small town Highest Cities in the United States By contrast, the highest incorporated city in the United States is Leadville, Colorado at a mere altitude of 3,094 meters (10,152 feet). Colorados capital city of Denver is known as the Mile High City because it officially sits at an elevation of 5280 feet (1610 meters); however, compared to La Paz or La  Rinconada, Denver is in the lowlands.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

10 Part-Time Job Interview Questions (And Quick, Good Answers)

10 Part-Time Job Interview Questions (And Quick, Good Answers) The typical questions you might be asked for a part-time job are a little different than the ones you’d expect to be asked for a full-time job. In order to properly prepare yourself for a part-time job interview, start thinking of good answers to the following likely questions. â€Å"Why do you want to work here?†The interviewer is trying to figure out if you have any enthusiasm about the company or the position, or if you’re just looking for whatever is out there. Have an answer that will convince them of the former by doing a bit of research.â€Å"How long were you at your last job?†This is a sneaky way of figuring out whether you will stick around or not. It also might lead into questions such as why you left or what your relationship was like with your former employer. Be prepared to answer those, but also to explain- if you weren’t at your last job very long- why. Just make sure they know you’re not a flight risk.â€Å"When are you avai lable?†Even if they love you, your needs might mismatch, so this question is critical. They have shifts they need covered. You have conflicts that would prevent you from fitting in with what they need. Be honest. And make sure to think about evenings and weekends.â€Å"Would you prefer full-time if a position were available?†Be careful here. They might be testing you to see whether you might bail the second a full-time gig turns up at another company. In this case, either be honest and explain why full-time doesn’t currently work for you (but you might be open to it in the future). Or explain that you’re eager to work for this company in whatever way you can.â€Å"Describe your pace.†Depending on the job and company, your potential employer might be looking for a speed demon (particularly if the job description says â€Å"fast-paced environment† or mentions multitasking or juggling) or they might want someone with a steady, reliable pace. Try to figure out what would fit the company best, but answer honestly. You won’t want to fib about this if you work one way or the other.â€Å"What are you looking for in your next job?†Say what? Why would you tell them that, when clearly your next job of choice is their job. Basically, your interviewer wants to make sure that your goals match that of their company. Frame your answer to highlight the overlap between the requirements listed on the job posting and your skillset. And be honest. What about this company excites you or epitomizes a value that you hold dear?â€Å"How do you handle stress/pressure?†Part-time jobs aren’t necessarily part-time stress. Your interviewer is trying to understand your temperament, ability to problem-solve, and grace under fire. For extra credit, give an example of a time when you handled a particularly stressful situation in an old job. Maybe even mention how stress is a good motivator for you and how a fast-paced environ ment keeps you moving and busy, which you prefer.â€Å"Talk about a situation in which you failed.†No one likes talking about their failures, particularly not at a job interview. But showing how you learn from mistakes and failures is important- even for a part-time employer.â€Å"How do you deal with unhappy clients/customers?†If your part-time job would involve customer service or client relations of any kind, this question will probably come up. Hopefully you have some relevant experience to draw from with concrete examples. Showcase your conflict resolution skills.â€Å"What are your questions for me?†Yup. Just like any other job interview, a part-time gig will still ask you if you have any questions for the interviewer, and you’ll still have to come up with some intelligent and thoughtful ones- or risk not being in contention for the job. Reiterate your interest in the position and show that you’ve been thinking about how working there would b e and ways that it would be mutually beneficial.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Physics lap report Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Physics lap - Lab Report Example Start answering all preliminary questions. You may discuss the questions, but do not write as you talk- this way everyone will have unique answers. Make sure to sketch your graphs where you are told to. 1. Sketch the distance vs. time graph for each of the following situations- clearly label each of the situations with its corresponding letter so you can place these different types of motion on the same graph. 4. Using Logger Pro, produce a graph of your motion when you walk away from the detector with constant velocity. To do this, stand about 1Â  m from the Motion Detector and have your lab partner click ; start walking slowly after you hear Motion Detector begin to click. 9. Repeat the process until your motion closely matches the graph on the screen. Each time you click the button the previous data is overwritten. Explain changes that needed to be made in comparison to step 7: 13. To test your prediction, start Logger Pro by clicking . When you hear the Motion Detector begin to click, walk in such a way that the graph of your motion matches the target graph on the screen. Was your prediction correct? Explain changes that needed to be made in comparison to step 12: 1. Using the Motion detector and Logger Pro, create a graph of position vs time where it shows a body constantly accelerating away from the detector for a period of 3s. First discuss with your group what the graph should look like and draw the graph on a piece of paper and attach it to your

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Coal chemical looping Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Coal chemical looping - Research Paper Example As it has been reported that the global demand for energy is likely to be fulfilled by the exploitation and utilization of fossil fuels in decades to come, the need for developing effective systems for the capture and storage of CO2 has become indispensible (Yue 2010). While, the significance of this observation is undeniable the present systems and frameworks which are utilized extensively in the industry are inadequate and do not support the advancement of certain aims and objectives that are associated with the development of suitable technologies. As noted by Yue (2010), present solutions for solving the issue are marked by the absence of cost-efficiency, capture efficiency and conversion efficiency which is an alarming scenario for both researchers and analysts alike. This observation proposes that the technology of chemical looping combustion (CLC) and its related processes have emerged as an innovation which presents numerous prospects and opportunities for the development of energy and power-related technologies by minimizing the risks, limitations and drawbacks that are associated with the solutions that are currently and presently available within the industry. Numerous studies and researches have established that the CLC technology boosts of impressive efficiency rates for the purpose of producing electricity and hydrogen in scenarios where the system of gasification is associated and integrated within the chemical looping technology (Yue 2010). Since the inception of the innovation, empirical studies have also been able to establish the types of suitable components that should be installed within an effective CLC system to maximize desired outcomes. This aspect involves the selection of solid fuels that can be used in chemical looping in addition with the oxygen carriers which have the potential to enhance the oxidation process. Even though, these observations have revealed the possibility of utilizing an extensive range of carbonaceous fuels and ca rriers, the scope of this paper focuses on the process of coal chemical looping such as the coal-direct looping process and the process of syngas chemical looping. Furthermore, the paper also explores the practical applications of chemical looping combustion in organizations such as General Electric and Alstom. In conclusion the research examines the advantages, challenges and limitations that are associated with the process of coal chemical looping in the light of recent researches and studies. The application of chemical looping combustion (CLC) processes is a revolutionary advancement and innovation in the industry, as stated by Yue (2010): Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) is a new alternative to conventional combustion that prevents the CO2 from being mixed in the combustion gases. This is accomplished by preventing the air-N2 to be present in the part of the reactor system where the oxidation of the fuel takes place. (p. 527) The introduction and subsequent incorporation of ch emical looping techniques and strategies was impelled by the absence of frameworks that could be applied for the separation and conversion of chemicals during the occurrence of various product-related procedures (Fan 2011). While, this observation is reflective of the traditional demands and needs which initially required the launch of chemical looping techniques, contemporary applications of chemical looping essentially aim to fulfill the need of establishing a modern, optimized and effective

Thursday, October 31, 2019

On Spirituality and Feminist Liberation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

On Spirituality and Feminist Liberation - Essay Example Christianity is considered as one of the world’s oldest agents of transformation as a factor in progress and development of humanity. The reasons, evidences and principles involved in understanding the issue of spirituality and its patriarchal nature had been extensively documented and debated upon since time immemorial. Since the predominant structure from early Christian era is patriarchal in nature, this paper will try to explore and analyze the historical role of women in religion by looking into the belief systems, myths, ad archetypes from ancient civilizations to the advent of religious feminism. The analysis would be thorough in depth discussion and reasoning on its philosophical and psychological implication with emphasis on female metaphysical structure. The predominantly patriarchal structure of church, though not inclusive, significantly shaped the role of women in religion and spiritualty. During the early Christian era, it is evident that women’s lives and spiritualties are constantly challenged as they are continually restricted in all aspect of life, considered inferior in essence compared to men and have very little access to knowledge. Accordingly, women is shaped and affected by their conditioned role and to conform and be dependent to the patriarchal structure of society (Melanchthon 303)... In essence, there should be emphasis on the various kinds of religion in looking into the role of women in terms to spirituality and relationship with the divine. However, as suggested by Howell, religions basically presets common purpose such that the primary is to stabilize the immediate society from any possible conflict and destruction through implementation of best practices and the secondary purpose is to control women in such a way that they will continue to reproduce and satisfy the male biological and physiological demands for sex. Though some women are worshiped for their beauty and beyond their domesticated propose, men remained in charge as predetermined by the patriarchal society. According to Melanchthon, feminism is the major ideology that liberates women from several decades of oppression and injustice brought about by the patriarchal nature of society through transformation. Looking at several historical data, it can be noted that women really experiences oppression and injustice and the advent of spiritual feminism liberated them from such (308). Women as Spiritually and Religiously Oppressed For most women, spirituality and religious undertakings became their source of inspiration and from part of in their personal relationship with the divine they worship and to achieve spiritual holiness women strive to continually achieve it through religious works and deeds. However, until 1920’s or before the advent of feminist spirituality, women cannot express their affection and relationship with the divine and were constantly being the subject of injustices and oppression. Among the injustices and oppressions women experienced in the past include; undervalued essence and other oppressions brought about by the patriarchal system, unrecognized

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Term Paper for Philosophy of Man Essay Example for Free

Term Paper for Philosophy of Man Essay There is no such thing as Christianity here on earth until an emperor named Constantine, a pagan, had a vision of a cross before his battle. Who knows if what he saw is true or what he saw is just a sword? (Sword has a resemblance with cross remember he’s up for a battle right? ) After his victory he was converted to Christian and planned to unite the Roman Empire by developing a religion under his control. He met all the religion leaders for a purpose: to unify everything. They have chosen only 4 out of 50 gospels that would only fit for the state religion. They should have given it authors- Constantine and friends, since they are the one who put it together. 300 yrs. after death of Jesus the Bible was put together by less faith more to politics. Many of these Gospels that are not included in the Bible apparently disappeared later because they have unknown origins. This uncertainty about their origins was one reason many of them were excluded from the Bible. But some of them were also excluded because they expressed unorthodox views. Somehow the copies of some of them still survive at unknown locations. Luckily several have been found again. The Gospel of Peter, Mary, Judas and St.  Thomas were discovered in modern times named after peter, Mary Magdalene, Judas Escariot, and St. Thomas but those weren’t their real authors, the real authors are unknown and will probably never be identified. The gospel of Peter, the first lost gospel found (1886), contains the description of Jesus leaving the tomb after his resurrection seen by the two guards while in the New Testament the effect of the resurrection was only written. The Gospel of Mary emphasizes her prominence by presenting her as a strong leader, and by suggesting that she was the most favored disciple of Jesus and received a special revelation from him. The gospel contains Gnostic ideas, particularly in the section which describes the revelations she received from Jesus. This connection with Gnosticism, together with the prominent role that the book gives to a female, may have led to its suppression by orthodox Christians. The Gospel of St. Thomas may preserve some authentic teachings of Jesus that are not found in the Bible. The Gospel of Judas said that Judas was the most loyal disciple of Jesus where in our bible contradicts, which says that Judas is the one who gave up Jesus in exchange of gold. Did the church intentionally destroyed some books in order to cover up embarrasses facts about the origins of Christianity? The knowledge about the bible they are holding until know is not probably the truth, it is more on their beliefs. No one has ever proven that all written in the bible is true from Old Testament to New Testament even the genesis is questionable. It is that, we are on it for over a thousand years and will have a difficulty to adjust or understand if any will be changed because of the found lost gospels.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysis Of So Far From The Bamboo Grove History Essay

Analysis Of So Far From The Bamboo Grove History Essay So Far From the Bamboo Grove was written by Yoko Kawashima Watkins. The story took place in the final days of World War II from 1945 to 1953. The story happened in a time when Koreans were determined to take back their county from Japan. They were tired of the Japanese people having control of them after the war. The affects of World War II left many countries devastated and in ruins especially Japan and Korea. The author of So Far From the Bamboo Grove Yoko Kawashima Watkins wrote this book to tell the world her story of how World War II affected her and her family. The Kawashimas are a Japanese family living in Korea. Yoko Kawashima Watkins was born in Japan in 1933. Yoko and her family lived in Manchuria. Her father Worded as a Japanese government official in the northern region of China. Her family then moved northern Korea to Nanam; where she was given the nick name little one or Yoko. Her father was then assigned to manage the Japanese political benefits. Her family was living well in Korea until Japan started losing World War II on July of 1945. Yoko, her sister KO and their mother had to leave Korea to the mainland of Japan where they will be safe from being killed by other Koreans and Russians. Yoko finished middle and high school in Japan and attended Kyoto University where her major was the English language. She graduated and worked at the US Air Force Base as a translator, where she meets Donald Watkins an American pilot. In 1953 Donald Watkins and Yoko got married and moved to the United States. They lived in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Oregon and then later moved to Brewster, Massachusetts where they still live today. Together they had four kids. Yoko wrote her book So Far From the Bamboo Grove in 1986 and won many awards like the ALA Notable Childrens Book and the Parents Choice Gold Award. Yoko now travels to public schools telling her story to little kids. So Far From the Bamboo Grove is about the author, Yoko Kawashima life and struggles in Nanam, Korea. The story starts when Yoko and her family were living peacefully in Northern Korea when Japan started losing the war. Yoko and her family had to escape Japan or face being capture by the communists Russian military or the Korean military. (Watkins 68) Yoko father was already separated from the family but a couple hours after Yoko brother Hideyo left to go to work at ammunition factory, Yoko sister KO, Yoko and their mother were force to flee from their house by Corporal Matsumura who was a kind and loving friend to the Kawashima family. Corporal Matsumura heard that the Korean Army was looking for the Kawashima family because of the intel that their father have. KO, Yoko and their mother followed Corporal Matsumura directions and fled to the train station where they will found Major Ryu who would get them on a train to Seoul. (Watkins 81) On their way to Seoul the train was attack and was unable to work. KO, Yoko and their mother started walking to Seoul which was about forty five miles away. On their walk to Seoul they were attack by Korean soldiers but were saved by a bomb that went off and killed the soldiers. They took the dead soldiers clothes and continue their journey. After many days and nights KO, Yoko and their mother made it to the Seoul train station. At the station they heard that Japan had lost the war. After five weeks at the Seoul station KO, Yoko and their mother tried to wait for Hideyo but were force to leave again. This time to the main land of Japan but before they left they wrote all over the station hoping that Hideyo would see it and know where to go. When they arrive on the homeland of Japan, KO and Yoko mother left them at the train station to enroll them in school and see if her parents were still alive. (Watkins101) Their mother came back in a few days and told Yoko and KO that their grandparents were dead. Few days went by and Yoko a nd KO mother became very ill and died a couple days later. KO and Yoko were given a free place to live by an old couple who knew Yoko and KO mother. Yoko went to school and earns straight As her first year there. She also won an essay contest and 10,000 yen. (Watkins139) A few days and Corporal Matsumura saw Yoko essay in a newspaper and went to her school to check and see how she was doing. Corporal Matsumura helps the two sisters anytime he was able to. He put missing people reports hoping to find Hideyo and their father. Their brother Hideyo was working at an ammunition factory, when the factory was attack by Korean Communist soldiers. Hideyo and three of his friends Shoichi, Makoto, and Shinzo manage to escape through a bathroom window before the factory was blown up. Hideyo and his friends hike back to his house and found that his house had been ransacked. He examined the rooms carefully, the hanging scroll painting in the receiving room had been slashed to pieces, closet doors stood open and their contents had been stolen. (Watkins57) Hideyo continued to examine the room and found that his mother have let him a secret note wish told him to meet them at the train station in Seoul. Hideyo grab whatever he can to make his trip to Seoul. Hideyo and his friends went to each of their house to check on their love ones. Shinzos and Shoichis parents had fled south, where their relatives lived but Makotos parents were dead. Shinzo and Shoichi told Makoto and Hideyo that they can live with them in the south but Hideyo said he must found his family at the train station in Seoul. The next morning Hideyo headed to Seoul by himself. On his way there he began to get weak and then a buzzard started. He was later found by the Kim family. The Kim family was taking a very dangerous risk taken in Hideyo. If they were caught by the Korean military, they could have all been killed on the spot for helping Japanese. When Hideyo came to, he started working and he learned the way of the Korean people and how to speak the language. He helped the Kim family anyway he can until he had enough strength to continue his journey. Hideyo continued his journey to the Seoul train station hoping that his sisters and mother was still alive. When he arrived he couldnt find his sisters or mother anywhere. He stayed there for about two weeks until right when he was about to give up he saw writing the wall that looked like Yoko hand writing telling him to go to the mainland. Hideyo took the next ship to Japan where he continue to see Yoko handwriting on the ship and the station where he arrived. He wonders the streets of Japan looking for his family. Then one month later he read in a newspaper about a little girl who won 10,000 yen in an essay contest. He ran as fast as he can to the newspaper office when he saw his sister name. One year had passed since Yoko seen her brother or father, then one day when Yoko and KO came from school, a man was standing in front of their door. They started crying and hugging each other. It was there brother Hideyo who final reach his family. Yokos father was later released from a prison camp in Siberia six years later. 1945 was a terrible time live especially if you were a Japanese girl living in Northern Korea. The Koreans hated the Japanese people for conquering their country. The Russians were about to join England and the United States in the war against Japan. The United Sates were already starting to bomb industrial sites in northern Korea. The history and interest in Korea started because Koreas geographic position has made it main ground of power struggles between Russia, China and Japan. (Watkins174) In the seventeenth century, the Russia fought with China for control of many territories of Manchuria and southern Siberia. Japan was interested in Korea more than two thousand years.(Watkins174) The Japanese warlord Hideyoshi invaded Korea in 1592 in an attempt to control the country and conquer China. The invasion failed and caused Korea to have hatred toward Japan. Early in the seventeenth century Korea began to be dominated by China and was called the Hermit Kingdom. After Hideyoshis death in 1598, Japan began its own period of isolation that ended with the arrival of the American Commodore Matthew C. Perry, who opened trade with the West in 1854. (Watkins175) In 1876, Japan showed renewed interest in Korea by forcing a commercial treaty. The first Sino Japanese War started in 1894 and was fought for control of Korea. The war ended one year later in 1895. By the 1900, the Japanese had a strong base in Koreas capital city, Seoul. (2) They controlled the Korean royal family and had begun to take over their political and economic life of the people. (3) Korea was at war again with Japan and Russia. When Japan won, Theodore Roosevelt from the United States sustained a claim with Japan for special interest in Korea and Manchuria. (4) In response, Japan agreed not to terrorize the United States position in the Philippines. The Treaty of Portsmouth allowed Japan to convert Korea into a colony. Korea was no longer a nation but continued to exist as a nation in the hearts of its people. Most people continued to live in their homeland under the strict Japanese rule. Other people who couldnt stand the Japanese military and wanted Korea to have their own Independence moved to China, United States, Siberia and Manchuria. Manchuria was north of Korea and was a refuge for Korean nationalists. Many people turned to the communists for aid and as guerilla soldiers and fought the Japanese military with increasing intensity during the 1930s and 1940s. (9) The Chinese Communists controlled a number of the supporter groups. These groups were called the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army. The Soviets also supported the Korean independence movement. Japan established military and governmental control in Korea and denied Koreans basic rights, the right to bear arms, freedom of press and freedom of the speech. The Japanese closed Korean schools and opened new ones making Korean students study the Japanese language and were forbidden to study Korean language or history. Japans surrender to the Allies in 1945 and ended the thirty six years of Japanese rule in Korea. (2) The emperor announced the surrender of Japan on August 6 and Nagasaki on August 9. (5) Korea did not gain its independence because the Allies decided that, after so many years of foreign rule, Korea would not be able to govern itself immediately. (6) Great Britain, China, the United States, and the Soviet Union set up a trusteeship, which meant the four countries would supervise the governing of Korea. Korea was divided along the thirty-eighth parallel. The area north of this line was occupied by the Soviet Union. The land south of this line was occupied by the United States. In 1948 Korea was officially divided into two separate republics North Korea and South Korea. Many book open different doors to other countries and cultures. Many books like So Far From the Bamboo Grove give an understanding of the consequences of domination and war. War alone is bad and the after effects can leave a country in ruins. Japan was in this position because of their domination and determination to still win the war even after they were hit with two atomic bombs. Japan was given a chance to surrender even before the bombs were drop on the city of Hiroshima and on Nagasaki. These bombings happen three days apart given Japan plenty of time to surrender because of this over a 100,000 people were killed. Japan surrender on August 14, 1945 five days later after the bombings. The after affects not only left Japan cripple but Korea as well. In 1950 on June 25 the Korean War broke just 5 days after World War II. The Cease Fire Line was established after the end of the Korean War three years later in 1953 on July 27. Stories like Yoko Kawashima Watkins teach the important value of life and family. Also how the story of courage and survival bring out the best of a individual person in the time of war. Also how Yokos brother is an inspiring reminder of the strength and resilience of the human spirit.

Friday, October 25, 2019

death penalty Essay -- essays research papers

Death Penalty Introduction Informed arguments against the death penalty are more persuasive than arguments in favor of it, as the negative affects of the death penalty have become widely publicized and illustrate the ineffectiveness of this cruel punishment. The death penalty is an inefficient form of punishment as innocent offenders may be executed, superior forms of restitution are available, and it fails to deter crime, all of which contribute to informed arguments against it. Deterrence The primary function of the death penalty is to act as deterrence, yet evidence has indicted that this cruel punishment has failed to deter crime. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Inconsistent: Any punishment can be an effective deterrent only if it is consistently and promptly employed. The death penalty cannot be administered to meet these conditions as it is never consistent or employed correctly. Only a small proportion of first-degree murderers are sentenced to death, and even fewer are executed. The death penalty fails to deter because it is an inconsistent punishment, which permits offenders to believe that the punishment will not be applied. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Premeditated: Persons who commit murder and other crimes of personal violence either premeditate them or they do not. If the crime is premeditated, the criminal ordinarily concentrates on escaping detection, arrest, and conviction. The threat of even the severest punishment will not deter those who expect to...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Research Real Estate Data Set Essay

Abstract In this paper the team analyzed three scholarly articles relating to our study. Furthermore, the team also analyzed additional data sets to include more variables like bedrooms and bathrooms in our investigation to test our hypothesis which shows that the results are consistent with the hypothesis. The population size, primary and secondary data, using unbiased information and applying ethics are also discussed in detail. Real Estate Data Set II As we begin the final stages of our project it is important to understand the process of applied research and how one or more variable have an impact on the dependable variable. It is important to understand why research is necessary and how we apply research to get answers to issues. The team analyzed thirty date sets to research homes with or without a pool, with or without a garage, and on the proximity of the house to the city, and how those factors affected the selling prices of homes. Furthermore, the team also analyzed more data sets to include more variables like bedrooms and bathrooms. Six bedrooms, three bath houses will sell for more than a one bedroom, one bath houses, regardless of whether it has a pool or garage. As we go forward with this assignment and analyze more data collection sets, it seems that the hypothesis that we proposed is the right one. Our hypothesis is based around the concept of human prioritization and its role in home selection. Additionally, the team researched three scholarly articles that are pertinent to our study to help us understand why the research is important and necessary. The first article uses analysis to discuss the connection between the selling price of a home and â€Å"Time on the Market† (TOM) (Sirmans, et al, 2010). It states that the longer the house is on the market the lower the selling price of the house. The study uses data sets to examine single family homes and whether the TOM co-efficient is susceptible to location, income of families, wealth and time. The results proved that the TOM co-efficient is sensitive to the variables and there is a significant relationship between TOM and the selling prices (Sirmans et al, 2010). It also states that selling prices and TOM is a very complicated because ellers / buyers want to maximize the price, while sellers want to sell at the top price buyers want to purchase at the lowest price. The second article discusses the study of how technology of real estate is changing and how important technology is key to gather important data from private and public sources for the real estate industry. Many studies have been published about the impact of the information on the real estate industry, on market size and efficiency, and market innovation. These studi es have proven that email and the use of internet are used as a positive marketing tool. Survey questions were developed to gather information about real estate agents and their attitude about using information technology as marketing their services. The results were positive and all that were surveyed viewed that information technology was key in some areas. Internet usage got a high score along with online research but personal webpage’s indicated a lower score (Acharya et al, 2010). The third article examined that in real estate development there is a need for risk assessment techniques to assess the impact of the project. The article is based on an exploratory survey which data was collected through interviews and a questionnaire. The study was conducted in the Thailand area using Thai real estate development companies. The study revealed that there are no systematic techniques to deal with the concerns of economic and political risks (Khumpaisal et al, 2010). All three articles focus on real estate research and how information is collected and used in different studies. All three article discuss how data, the collection of the data and the usage of the data play an important part while conducting research. When conducting research it is often difficult, or impractical to test the entire population. Many issues can arise, such as time consumption, cost, and redundant information. Often it is possible for researchers to draw conclusions based on population samples. This is when we test a small portion of the population and draw conclusions on the entire population based on the sample results. For our research the sample of thirty homes came from a larger sample of one hundred six homes. These homes were a sample of homes in one state, across five townships. For our research we decided to limit the sample to around thirty homes of similar qualities (outside of the variables we are testing). The reason we do this is to be sure there isn’t an outside, unknown variable affecting the experiment. Therefore we chose homes that are between two and three bedrooms, with two bathrooms. This gave us a sample of thirty-one homes. For this particular research, it is possible to see the affects of different variables on home prices. Also, with more than thirty samples it is also possible to eliminate outliers that may skew averages. For example, if we only tested three homes and two of them were priced outrageously, we wouldn’t be able to draw valid conclusions. However, by testing thirty-one homes, we can eliminate outliers. There are many possible sources of bias and error when testing a hypothesis with only sample of the population. In our case, we could simply omit homes that disprove our hypothesis. One reason for this is if we were working for a real estate company and they want to see which homes can make them the most money, and we know there are a lot of homes near the city center for sale. If we omit homes far away from the city that are selling for more, our bias has caused us to give false findings. Not all omissions are intentional. Sometimes errors are simply made in the research process. For example, with our research we could have included homes with any number of bedrooms. This would have resulted in data that may not have been practical for our research. For example, the complete data set included homes with up to eight bedrooms. If we were to compare that to a home with only two bedrooms the fact that either had a pool, or garage, or was close to the city would have been negligible. Again, we chose to only test similar homes in respect to number of bedrooms and bathrooms in order to prevent this error. It is necessary to collect primary data when a researcher cannot find the data needed in secondary sources. Some methods of primary research would include observation, postal surveys, telephone interviews, online surveys, face to face surveys, focus groups, and test marketing. Observation works well in retail markets. Observing consumer behavior provides many insights, although can sometimes leave unanswered questions. Postal surveys are great because they are relatively cheap with the ability to cover a wide geographical area. However, response rates are minimal and can take quite some time before any of the surveys are returned. Telephone interviews allow quicker feedback than a postal survey but any potential customers are usually hesitant on giving anything but short answers. Increasingly popular and at relatively low cost, surveys online are widely used by growing businesses as a way of gathering the views of potential and existing customers. Face to face surveys are sometimes costly, but a great way to get individual detailed insight, while focus groups are a good way of getting detailed information about customer preferences and tastes. Test marketing involves picking a small section of the market and selling a new product in order to assess customer reaction. This primary research can be a great predictor of how a new product or service will be received by the larger market. Primary research is the preferred research and conducted all of the time. National polls and surveys collect the population’s thoughts about proposals or particular political figures, journalists use it as their primary means of reporting events as well as news, and organizations collect data on their market trends and consumer base. When conducting research in professional or academic settings, the researcher needs to be aware of the ethics behind the research activity Ethical issues arise throughout any piece of all research. These issues often turn into political ones, and there are also close connections between issues around participation and ethical concerns. Ethical issues also have a tendency to turn into questions of trust. The researcher is the research instrument therefore the reader and/or user of qualitative research must be able to trust the researcher to have followed the proper procedures. There are quite a few key phrases which describe the system of ethical protections that medical research and the contemporary social establishments have created such as, voluntary participation, informed consent, confidentiality, anonymity, and rights to service, to better protect the research participant’s rights. When conducting research it is important to understand all stages of the research and apply good practices such as using unbiased sources and clear and ethical standards. Even when clear ethical standards and principles are in place, there will be times when the rights of potential participants runs up against the need to do accurate research. No set of standards can possibly anticipate every ethical circumstance. Furthermore, there needs to be a procedure that assures that researchers will consider all relevant ethical issues in formulating research plans.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Huck Finns Journey into Adulthood essays

Huck Finns Journey into Adulthood essays Huckleberry Finns Journey into Adulthood In Mark Twains novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, we experience the harsh ways of society through the escapades of a boy who has run away from home. Huck learns to see the true society he is a part of by encountering a variety of people, experiences, and decisions he must make. Huck takes lessons from Miss Watson on her views of religion and right and wrong. The king and the duke prove to Huck that there are always some people remaining, who are inhumane. Through Jim, Huck faces many moral decisions and he goes against society to save a man whom he never considered being a life long friend. Huck's journey changes him in many ways and helps determine what kind of adult he becomes. Miss Watson tries to show Huck the good of Christianity. However, he is unable to grasp her concept of religion no matter how hard he tries. She tries to tell him about Moses and the Bulrushers, but he does not care for the past and ...takes no stock in dead people. Miss Watson tells Huck that if he prays for something, he will receive it. Huck decides to test the theory and is let down. He says, It warnt so. I tried it. Once I got a fish-line, but no hooks. I tried for the hooks three times, but somehow I couldn't make it work." Afterwards he tells Miss Watson to pray for his hooks and she calls him a fool. Huckleberry is a little confused about this whole praying scenario and when he comes back from the woods after thinking about everything he goes to the Widow Douglas. She explains to him that he must pray for "spiritual gifts" and others needs. Huck finds this absolutely outrageous and decides he is finished with religion. The only advantages he can see go towards other people. Later while continuing on his way with Jim, Huck comes upon two classic characters, the king and the duke. From the be ...